Increasing clarity of NumePay checkout, a cryptocurrency shopping experience

Nume Crypto is a pre-seed startup team of 8 that aims to make cryptocurrency payments more affordable & accessible by covering transaction fees. One of their products is a cryptocurrency payment gateway for business owners. Think of it as a crypto version of PayPal – enabling business owners to accept cryptocurrency from customers as easy as credit, debit, and cash.

I designed the v0 withdrawal experience for the payment gateway, allowing business owners to withdraw their profits to more than one crypto wallet (a digital account to hold & manage funds, like a checking account). I collaborated with cofounders & engineers to understand the technical constraints behind the withdrawal process, to ensure that the experience was seamless & user-friendly as possible (for a v0).


1 month (July 2022)


Product Designer


2 cofounders, 1 engineer

Nume Crypto, a startup team of 8, makes cryptocurrency payments more affordable & accessible by covering transaction fees. Customers use NumePay wallet, a mobile app, to shop for everyday goods.

I designed the v0 desktop experience NumePay checkout experience, to be more intuitive. Working closely with cofounders & engineers, I designed a way for customer to view all cryptocurrencies in their NumePay wallet, highlighting which are accepted for payment (similar to accepted credit card types).

Results: In Feb 2023, customers used NumePay to buy food & drinks at a conference through a partnership with 5 local businesses. Feedback from the event contributed to Nume’s decision to pivot towards a payment protocol with better product-market fit.


2 weeks (July 2022)


Product designer


2 cofounders, 1 engineer

Before we go shopping...

Download app

Create an account

Add crypto funds

Download app

Create an account

Add crypto funds


Paying with crypto is like using Paypal

Checking out with NumePay is just like using any other third party payment like Paypal. It’s 4 simple steps:

Paying with crypto is like using Paypal

Checking out with NumePay is just like using any other third party payment like Paypal. It’s 4 simple steps:

Select your payment method

Login to access your crypto funds

Select token to pay with

Payment confirmed!


Customers don't know which payment options they can use

Similar to stores that choose to accept select credit cards, businesses can also choose which cryptocurrencies they want to accept.

Our investors pointed out how ambiguous the payment selection screen is. They brought up questions such as:

What crypto tokens does this store accept?

Do I have the right crypto tokens accepted by this store?

Do I need to load more funds into my account to pay?

Before testing this experience out with users, we needed to find a way to provide more context for customers as they are selecting payment.

Customers don't know which payment options they can use

Similar to stores that choose to accept select credit cards, businesses can also choose which cryptocurrencies they want to accept.

Our investors pointed out how ambiguous the payment selection screen is. They brought up questions such as:

What crypto tokens does this store accept?

Do I have the right crypto tokens accepted by this store?

Do I need to load more funds into my account to pay?

Before testing this experience out with users, we needed to find a way to provide more context for customers as they are selecting payment.

Design goal

Increase clarity on payment options to ensure customers complete checkout

For each cryptocurrency token in a customer's wallet, classify them as:

Available for payment

Token is accepted by business & there are enough funds to complete purchase

More funds needed

Token is accepted by the business, but there isn’t enough to complete purchase

Not accepted

Token is not accepted by the business & cannot be used for purchase


dropdown chevron pointed to the right

See the solution in action – time to go shopping! 🛍️

Step 1

Select NumePay & sign into account

Let’s say you’re making an online purchase at Target.  You select NumePay at checkout & sign into your NumePay wallet.

Select NumePay & sign into account

Let’s say you’re making an online purchase at Target.  You select NumePay at checkout & sign into your NumePay wallet.

Step 2

Select a token to pay with

Now you can see all your cryptocurrency tokens in your wallet and choose one to pay with.

Select a token to pay with

Now you can see all your cryptocurrency tokens in your wallet and choose one to pay with.

Tokens are labeled for more context

Cryptocurrencies that cannot be selected are noted with either insufficient funds or not accepted. It’s important to show you (the customer) that the tokens are in their wallets, they just cannot be used for this purchase.

Tokens are labeled for more context

Some cryptocurrencies may have insufficient funds or are not accepted. Insufficient funds are listed first, followed by not accepted.

Step 3

Confirm payment

Before confirming payment, you are shown the new balance of the cryptocurrency once you complete your purchase.

Confirm payment

Before confirming payment, users are shown the new balance of the cryptocurrency once they complete their purchase.

Payment confirmed by Nume & store

Once the payment is processed successfully, you are brought back to the store page, showing that your order has been confirmed.

Payment confirmed by Nume & store

Once the payment is processed successfully, the user is brought back to the store page, showing their order has been confirmed.


Real customers paid with NumePay in Feb 2023

At a web3 conference in Feb 2023, Nume partnered with 5 local businesses where they accepted cryptocurrency payments from real customers.

This tweet is from a conference attendees that commented on how low the transaction fee was, compared to credit cards. He completed the payment within the NumePay app itself.

Although my work was desktop-based, creating the end-to-end experience ultimately gave the team a full picture of the checkout experience, enabling them to replicate the experience later in the app.

The results of this launch are proprietary info, but the company has since shifted to focus on a protocol that facilitates affordable cryptocurrency transactions.

Although my work isn’t fully launched publicly, it has helped Nume get closer to finding product market fit, achieving the company’s mission of making payments more affordable and accessible for all through utilizing web3 tech.